You're not the only one! We are proud to have won this national award as first-time entrants into The Reed Awards — it is a true honor to receive "The Most Exacting Award in Political Campaigning" and to be recognized as leaders by our colleagues:
"Named for Campaigns & Elections founder Stanley Foster Reed, The Reed Awards embody excellence in political campaigning and grassroots & advocacy. Every year the Reeds recognize the most exceptional work in campaigning from the preceding year. The 2022 Reed Award winners were honored at The Reed Awards Ceremony in Nashville, TN on May 5th"
At Blueprint Consulting™ we are a one-stop shop for all of your electoral campaign needs with over a decade of experience at every level from national to municipal.
Contact us today so we can help you win too!
-2023 UPDATE-
We are excited to announce winning our firm's second national award earning our first Pollie Award(s) in 2023! Dubbed "The Oscars of Political Advertising" by Esquire Magazine, The AAPC's Pollie Awards are international:
"...bipartisan honors awarded annually by the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) to members of the political advertising and communications industry who have demonstrated superior work on behalf of their candidates and causes."
Our team at Blueprint Consulting™ is truly honored to win both a national Pollie Award for our firm's "Direct Mail" and a regional Pollie Award for our "Website" entries. Both entries were meticulously crafted and developed in-house from conception to production.
We're proud to have worked one-on-one with our clients to provide the data targeting, electoral analysis, message development and design to deliver victory.

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